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Thrawn's Household Phalanx has already been mentioned, and in 27 BBY , the Chaf family were also observed to deploy military forces of their own, capable of deploying nine light cruisers at short notice, in an effort to overwhelm an Expansionary Fleet picket force. A command and control division within the military was the Chiss Defense Fleet Command which was responsible for assigning missions.
Chiss considered themselves to be among the finest and most capable of warriors. Sizable forces of armored infantry and artillery were deployed by dropships at the Battle of Tenupe. They wore camouflaged color-shifting, fractal-pattern armor that allowed them to sneak across battlefields with ease, and carried demolition satchels and charric guns.
They did not fear death and would sacrifice themselves if necessary to their cause. One notable engagement was a commando squad attempting to destroy a crashed Chiss vehicle. Clothing tended to hold distinctive colors that indicated a Chiss's place within their society; either as a member of a House or part of the military. Those Chiss that were part of the Defense Fleet wore military black uniforms as this color was a combination of all colors. This signified the fact that the military drew its members from all the families.
Those holding the rank of General were known to wear tunics that were predominantly black robes of state on diplomatic missions and consisted of small swatches of dusky red at various places on the sleeves and upper shoulders. Each of the Ruling Families were known to possess their own family colors with its members wearing the color to show their allegiance. Members of the Chaf Family wore the color yellow and were also known to wear elaborate robes of state that were long, flowing robes which were shades of yellow with gray trim.
The representatives of the Four Ruling Families which included Nuroudo, Irokini, Sabosen and Csalpar were known to wear head-to-foot robes with hoods that completely masked their faces. Each individual's identifying house color was used as the only distinguishing feature which, in this case, was bronze, rust-red, silver-gray and copper-green. The Chiss language was Cheunh and was first accepted during the developing years of their civilization when they formed a planet-wide government which consisted of a single tongue that their society accepted.
It was known to be a dense and difficult synthetic language to master as complicated ideas were expressed by uniting unrelated words into larger words. Thus, it had relatively few core words though the syntax required the speaker to piece together compound words which was complex and involved. One factor that certainly added to the complexity of the language was the fact that written Cheunh was not set down in a phonetic alphabet.
In writing, Cheunh did not possess an abstract alphabet like Aurebesh with ideograms representing concepts and complex ideas being expressed by combining simpler ideograms.
The Chiss held great pride in not only understanding but conversing in such a convoluted language. However, the Chiss believed it was quite impossible for non-Chiss to learn to speak it properly. Traditionally, Chiss names consisted of a long tripartite structure with three distinct sections. Abbreviated versions of these were known as core names with their usage being a questionable choice. This was because full names were required for formal occasions, strangers and those that were believed to be the speaker's social inferior.
However, this policy was capable of being broken if there were good and valid reasons for doing so. Such was the case when dealing with outsiders who had trouble pronouncing Chiss full names. The female officers Hess'irolia'nuruodo Irolia and Ina'ganet'nuruodo Ganet appear to be exceptions to this rule.
The Chaf diplomats Chaf'orm'bintrano "Formbi" and Chaf'ees'aklaio "Feesa" bore the name of the Ruling Family to which they belonged as the first element of their full name, and this also defined the opening sound of their core name.
Likewise the brothers Mitth'raw'nuruodo and Mitth'ras'safis were both adoptive members of the Eighth Ruling Family , suggesting that this family was known as the Mitth. A similar family relationship is implied between General Prard'ras'kleoni "Drask" and Station Commander Prard'enc'iflar , although it is not known whether "Prard" is one of the Nine Ruling Families.
Senior Chiss military personnel surrendered Family status on assuming high command. The Fel Empire and later Krayt Empire Moff Fehlaaur'aitel'loro was consistently addressed by his fellow Moffs as Fehlaaur , the section usually reserved for the family name. Another Chiss with an anomalous name was the important historical figure Jer'Jo Cam'Co , a Syndic and one of the founders of the Ascendancy. Encounters with the greater galaxy did not leave a lasting impression on the Chiss by the fact that they remained largely unaware of standard languages such as Huttese and Galactic Basic Standard, with communications with outsiders being conducted instead through local trade-languages such as Minnisiat or Sy Bisti.
Thrawn as Grand Admiral , the figure that defined many outsiders' image of the Chiss. Galactic perceptions of Chiss behavior was, following the Battle of Endor, much based on the personality of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
However, following that period, it became apparent that Thrawn himself was an exceptional member of his kind with all Chiss demonstrating individually different traits. The impression held by the galaxy was that the Chiss were arrogant, aloof and calculating beings.
However, while this was true in some cases, the Chiss demonstrated varying personality types similar to other species. General traits demonstrated by them, however, were being well-educated, artistic and cautious when dealing with outsiders. The harsh cold conditions of Csilla led to the Chiss developing a self-reliant streak which was the core of their notoriously aloof personalities. This led to outsiders characterizing their race being as cold as the ice plains of their homeworld.
This extreme protection of their society was what allowed them to remain hidden from the rest of the galaxy for so long. They were described as being pensive as well as contemplative, deliberate and calculating.
This meant that they often studied situations from many different viewpoints. As such, they considered all alternatives to a situation and even considered scenarios of what would have happened if they had made different decisions. In combat situations, Chiss acted both calmly and intelligently as well as formed well planned strategies. As such, they did not allow hot emotions to interfere with their methodical analysis of a problem through logic.
In general, they lived a harsh but disciplined life style where self control along with propriety were the most valued character traits that all Chiss aspired to. While passions themselves were recognized, they were done so with disdain as such energy was believed to be better applied elsewhere. The regimented style of their society meant that crime was abhorred and seen as the weakness of an individual.
Blaming society was a notion completely alien to their mindset and justice was given with little thought on compassion. However, the Chiss did not believe in capital punishment as they recognized it as being an irrational, emotionally driven reaction instead of being a true deterrent.
Instead, the greatest punishment they gave for their most heinous of crime was exile. Due to the great importance of family loyalty existing in their culture, exile was considered a grave punishment for any Chiss to face. Jagged Fel , a Human officer serving with Chiss forces. During their childhood, Chiss were taught to read through the great stacks of data of the great library on Csilla. These contained basic information that every Chiss absorbed during their childhood after years of intense schooling.
Though this was the impression projected, the Chiss were also a thoughtful people. While they were deliberate and calculating, they were not above wondering about how certain events might have turned differently had circumstances been altered. This was not a universal characteristic as certain individuals with the ability to learn under such circumstances, like Thrawn, were able to continue to fight. Their society was highly structured and ordered with the rule of law being enforced by the ruling families.
Those Chiss that belonged to the same house defended one another at every opportunity whilst those from competing houses searched for facts that could be used to snipe or undermine the other whilst attempting to secure any advantage for themselves. As a general rule, Chiss did not take part in any action that would bring shame on their house with entire family lines exiled due to the actions of a single member. The long spacefaring history of the Chiss led to the creation of a superior combat force with their starfighter pilots being infamous throughout the Unknown Regions.
Such squadrons were ruled by discipline and their pilots were known to spare disabled starships if they broadcasted a surrender. In such circumstances, this was either due to the importance of the strategy for their people or because surrendering to a certain foe was considered a fate worse than death. A Squib in the Unknown Regions meeting a pair of Chiss. The Chiss had a keen interest in art and science and were skilled in mathematics.
Their thought processes were based around a logical mindset, being interested in philosophy and in learning about other cultures. On the other hand, they were also xenophobic, and any knowledge gained from other cultures was used as a means of gaining an advantage over a potential foe. Their clinical detachment was similar to how a biologist studied an insect which was how the Chiss view their foes and they often engaged in extreme caution in such circumstances.
When among non-Chiss, individual members of the race were often aloof and pensive as they plotted tactics which would ensure a victory if a confrontation were to occur. Chiss never truly lost their xenophobic instincts, even when they were among members of other species for long periods of time. When attacked, they responded with calm, intelligent and well-planned strategies while at the same time remaining an honorable species. As such, they did not believe in the concept of a preemptive strike against their foes.
Rather, they only responded to an enemy assault after their foes had struck first. This was because, in their view, that by allowing their enemy to draw first blood they guaranteed that that they were acting in the right. Furthermore, it divorced their actions from any recklessness which resulted from either impulsive anger or the incomplete intelligence of an enemy's intentions.
The Chiss society had no concept of finances or money with everything being provided for by the state. They also maintained tightly controlled borders that were self-sufficient in the isolated territory that they rule. Their colonies supplied them with both food and resources while developing technology comparable to the rest of the galaxy. As such, they saw no need for trade and their culturally derived contempt of "lesser races" also prohibited them from forming better relations with their neighbors.
In fact, the motive for their exploration and expansion was difficult to determine as they lacked the passion for conquering the unknown which was a trait that Humans possessed.
In addition, they did not claim new territory out of greed or for a hunger for power. Their space program was mostly governed by the basic need to manage their population and gathering resources without upsetting their homeworld's ecosystem. Their territory sufficed for their entire population needs. A report by the University of Sanbra indicated that the Chiss population numbered nearly 5 trillion.
Despite their growing border, they still fostered a cultural contempt for other species. Instead, they believed in isolation and the preservation of their heritage. It was believed by many xenosociologists that the rigid and disciplined nature of Chiss society stemmed from their cold environment on their homeworld. They were noted for displaying no signs of decadent or greedy behavior and thus it was concluded that any signs of colonial expansion were mostly due to the Chiss desiring to put order onto chaotic locations.
In fact, Chiss were taught to respect the position itself rather than the person holding that title. As such, Chiss often responded when an individual called out the rank rather than their name. Some reports indicated that there were no Chiss Jedi and it was not known whether there was a Force-tradition within Chiss society. Chiss Clawcraft. The Chiss were notable for having developed their technology independently from outside sources though they managed to develop analogs of many standard galactic technologies.
For instance, the celebrated Nssis -class Clawcraft was a hybrid of Imperial and Chiss technology, and may have also involved the input of other species. These blue-skinned humanoids were well known for their self-control and intelligence that were traits which translated into a series of well designed as well as innovative starships.
Travel through hyperspace required Chiss starships to rely upon a number of navigational anchor points that spread out from Csilla.
Such a system allowed the Chiss to explore the galaxy methodically though kept them from encountering other cultures. Due to the secrecy involved in Chiss internal politics, outsiders knew very little about individual Chiss manufacturers. Some Chiss structures were starkly angular, perhaps inspired by the icy geometries of Csilla's glacial landscape.
We can note the double-pyramid shape of the Brask Oto space station in the Redoubt, and the angular, faceted hull-design of the ships of the Fifth Ruling Family, such as Chaf Exalted and Chaf Envoy.
However, the distinctive design of these ships was highly symbolic, designed to identify them as Chaf Family consular ships and even to identify the specific status and lineage of the Family members they carried. Combat warships of the Expansionary Fleet had far more curved and fluid hull-lines. To outsiders, clawcraft had only been a recent encounter during the era of the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion.
At the time, the University of Sanbra only had limited reports of Chiss capital ships due to the fact that none had been seen in action at the time. A report by the University held the view that the Chiss did not possess a ship larger than a meter escort frigate. Their hyperdrives were not as efficient as the latest models developed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation though they were competent and quite capable of travelling across the distances of their territory.
During their star-travel era, they developed the ability to form hyperfields by using precise irradiation of composite materials. However, the early pioneers of this technology were unable to sustain the field around larger vessels that had been designed to carry passengers. Thus, their scientists worked on creating a habitable hyperspace bubble whilst combating field decay though others worked on outfitting automated drones with early hyperdrives with specialized beacons that was responsible for developing the early navigational anchor-points throughout the Unknown Regions.
Modern era Chiss craft used the anchor-points for travelling through Chiss Space which was why their vessels lacked navicomputers.
This had the effect of preventing the Chiss from safely leaving their borders. By 27 BBY, their ship engines were capable of entering into hyperspace in such a manner that crewmen were at times unable to determine that the ship had jumped which led to some speculation that Chiss hyperdrives were in fact more advanced than the Republic's at that time.
Chiss vessels had precise hyperdrives and navicomps capable of making lightspeed microjumps as tactical maneuvers during combat. As such, all Chiss vessels possessed an emergency mechanism that allowed them to eject their hyperdrives. An offshoot of their hyperdrive technology were Chiss homing beacons that were not only reliable but required very little energy to operate.
By utilizing an energized domain of hyperspace itself as a carrier, they were able to generate a transmission that was only detectable by the Chiss. Similar to many races in the Unknown Regions, the Chiss were known to not possess droids within their society. Soontir Fel during his time among the Chiss attempted to influence their ways by explaining that expendability was a useful asset in battles with droids giving a crucial element in such engagements. To show the Chiss the advantage in droids, he and a group of engineers began working on a prototype droid fighter.
It was known that an initial analysis of Chiss weapons through sensor scans led to an unknown form of offensive weaponry. However, a cursory glance indicated that their fighter craft were equipped with energy weapons, projectile weaponry and an unknown form of missile launcher. For example in place of ion cannon , Chiss warships used missiles that deployed charged Conner net -like weapons called shock nets that could reach up to a kilometer wide, which could disable and trap light freighters, entire formations of starfighters, or even incoming missile salvos.
The Chiss used a unique type of energy weapon, the charric. This weapon fired a lancing blue beam, sometimes described as a maser, which delivered thermal energy comparable to conventional blaster weapons coupled with a much greater kinetic punch, but lacked a stun-setting. Low-power shots instead administered disabling burns. The most common form of charric was a hand-held carbine, but pistols are also known, and larger versions of the weapon were carried by some starfighters, and included among the heavy weapons batteries of capital ships and bases.
In the years before the Clone Wars, it would appear that Chiss beam weapons were limited to charric energy, [5] but by 19 ABY , the Household Phalanx base at the Hand of Thrawn mounted both turbolasers and heavy maser emitters, while both Chiss-style weapons mounts and standard Sienar Fleet Systems blasters were observed on various TIE variants flown by Phalanx pilots. In later decades, some Chiss devices were highly advanced. Examples included chameleon-cloaked armor that enabled infantry to blend into the terrain, and long-range tracers that activated only in hyperspace, enabling its users to track targets across Galactic distances without transmissions being picked up by standard security scans.
The Chiss also made use of more sinister uses of technology and had no ethical objections to their deployment in wars. This was seen in the development of the Parasite bomb [30] bio-weapon and their use of deadly radiation bombs. The Chiss had no native Force-using traditions, and Force-using Chiss were very rare among other traditions such as the Jedi and Sith.
This was because Chiss society considered Force sensitivity to be a shameful impurity. Force sensitivity was considered very rare among the Chiss. Those few Chiss who were Force-sensitive were not allowed to cultivate that talent within Chiss society, any Chiss found within the territory of the Chiss Ascendancy to be using the Force was immediately executed, without exception.
Chiss of lower social classes that were Force-sensitive were exiled from Chiss society, while Chiss of higher social standing would be allowed to use medical means to suppress their Force talents. Their abilities diminished as they grew older and eventually disappeared. Force-sensitive Chiss that were exiled sometimes joined the Jedi or Sith, but that was a very rare occurrence. Although the basis of the Chiss naming pattern and the distinction between the House Phalanx and the Ascendancy were established in Vision of the Future , these were apparently misunderstood by or imperfectly communicated to some of the authors of the New Jedi Order novels and concurrent sourcebooks.
Chiss bartenders appear in the two most recent installments of the computer-game series focusing on Kyle Katarn. In Jedi Outcast , Kyle has a brief conversation with a Chiss bartender on Nar Shaddaa, who has not yet mastered all aspects of the grammar of Basic.
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Content Credentials Beta was introduced. When enabled, the editing information is captured in a tamper-evident form and resides with the file through successive copy generations. It aligns with the C2PA standard on digital provenance across the internet. The Adobe Photoshop family is a group of applications and services made by Adobe Inc. Several features of the Adobe Photoshop family are pixel manipulating, image organizing, photo retouching, and more.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Raster graphics editing software. For the colloquial verb meaning photograph manipulation, see Photoshop verb. For other uses, see Photoshop disambiguation. For the vector graphics language, see PostScript. Adobe Photoshop Thomas Knoll John Knoll. List of languages. Main article: Photoshop plugin. This section may need to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards.
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May 23, Retrieved May 23, February 28, Archived from the original on July 1, Retrieved October 15, Graphics Software. Retrieved August 13, Mac Publishing. Dennis Publishing Ltd. Raja January 13, The Hindu. Retrieved August 10, Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved January 23, Securities and Exchange Commission. February 22, Archived from the original on February 24, What Opens a PSD? File Format List from WhatIs. Retrieved May 12, Retrieved December 17, Nik Software Inc.
Topaz Labs, LLC. August 31, Auto FX Software. AV Bros. Archived from the original on October 15, Flaming Pear Software. Andromeda Software Inc. Archived from the original on December 3, Retrieved December 4, Adobe Systems Incorporated. Archived from the original PDF on November 13, Retrieved March 27, Postel PMID Retrieved February 14, Photoshop Elements The Missing Manual.
ISBN Adobe Photoshop CS5 one-on-one. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Adobe Photoshop Elements 5. Burlington, MA: Focal Press. Retrieved March 28, Ars Technica. Retrieved September 15, Archived from the original on March 15, Archived from the original on May 7, Press Release. Archived from the original on 13 November Retrieved 29 March News Releases. Retrieved 28 March Web Designer Depot. Adobe official site. Archived from the original PDF on 19 June Retrieved 17 June Adobe Official site.
Archived from the original PDF on 28 September Archived from the original on 13 April CNET News. CBS Interactive. Adobe Systems. PC World. Archived from the original on 7 June Retrieved 17 December Archived from the original on March 26, Retrieved March 24, Retrieved May 29, John Nack on Adobe. Adobe Blogs. Press Releases. Tech Specs. Retrieved March 29, The Abomination failed to defeat the Hulk, however, and so M. Despite his seeming destruction, the ethereal being known as Tyrannus reconstructed the Abomination, who had continued to exist as a cloud of free atoms.
Tyrannus, who was in a similar state, decided to merge his atoms with those of the Abomination. He transferred Blonsky's consciousness into a human body. The former spy finally found himself able to lead a normal life, albeit briefly. Trapped in the Abomination's form, Tyrannus attempted to switch bodies with Blonsky.
The process failed and the Abomination became a mindless, rampaging beast. Tyrannus, as the Abomination, kidnapped Betty, now Banner's wife, in order that Banner might use the special nutrient bath that had separated the Hulk from Banner, on the Abomination to make Tyrannus whole once more. Tyrannus' allies, the Deviant Ghaur and Lemurian Llyra , arranged for Tyrannus to be freed, and the Abomination became a savage mindless brute.
Somehow making his way to Philadelphia where Blonsky had previously lived, Emil Blonsky's personality suddenly resumed itself. Almost as suddenly, Blonsky was kidnapped by the robotic Sentinels.
The Sentinels hoped to use the Abomination and gamma-powered scientist Doc Samson in a test to see if they could sterilize human beings and thus end a perceived mutant menace. The Abomination helped the similarly-kidnapped mutant heroes X-Men defeat the Sentinels but was confronted by their creator, Doctor Cynthia Chalmers. Promising Blonsky the Sentinels after she has used them to destroy the mutants, Abomination helped Chalmers rebuild the Sentinels but was ultimately betrayed by her and both he and the robots were defeated by the X-Men.
The Abomination again clashed with the Hulk, this time as a pawn of the gamma-spawned super-genius called the Leader. The Hulk doused the Abomination in toxic waste, melting the Abomination's epidermis into mush. When he next surfaced, Blonsky had begun stalking his wife, Nadia , who believed he had died. A miniaturized Hulk, now possessing Banner's intelligence, convinced him to move on. Blonsky remained in the sewers of New York , and began to attract followers of misfits and outcasts, humans and mutants.
One of these mutants included at one point the one called Threnody , who was a victim of her own recently-emerged mutant powers. The misfits called themselves the Forgotten later, the Abominations , and created their own community underneath New York. Blonsky served as their protector more than once. For example, when the New York sewers became a focal point between the police and drug traffickers, with the Abomination's homeless community caught in the middle.
The Hulk arrived to help the police and battled Blonsky. The Hulk was unable to defeat the Abomination and Blonsky killed most of the police and news reporters before escaping. Threnody returned to Blonsky's sewers when escaping Mister Sinister.
She was followed by her boyfriend at the time, the X-Man , and Blonsky fought him, seeing this as a betrayal of his community. X-Man used his psychic powers to allow him and Threnody to leave.
Later, travelers arrived from an alternate future ruled by a villainous Hulk named the Maestro. The travelers helped the Forgotten against the police, and revealed the Abomination's fate in their reality. Blonsky had come to regard his relationship with the Hulk as one of equal status-- they were both ugly and psychologically scarred and alone.
However, when Blonsky learned of Banner's marriage to his life-long love, Betty, Blonsky felt that now he was worse off than the Hulk. Blonsky learned that Betty was hospitalized, and he killed her by injecting his gamma-irradiated blood into Betty's dialysis machine, although the world thought that the Hulk was responsible. Betty's father, General Ross, discovered this fact by tracking the Hulk and instead, found Blonsky. Blonsky, apparently abandoning his homeless community, had gone on a rampage, destroying a town before being confronted by Ross.
The Hulk had somehow tracked the Abomination as well, and Blonsky revealed that Nadia is "gone" to him as well. The Hulk walked away from a confrontation with Blonsky, knowing that his forgiveness would be the one form of retaliation his enemy could not endure. The Abomination could not comprehend and endure his enemy's absolution, and his moment of triumph was twisted into crushing defeat.
Blonsky realized he had become what he abhorred the most - it was he who was the rampaging, inhuman monster; not the Hulk as he had religiously believed all these years. Months later, Blonsky was working as creative writing teacher, although he soon quit the job. After revealing to Banner his late wife's cryogenically preserved corpse, the still-grieving General Ross manipulated the Hulk into attacking and almost killing Blonsky.
He convinced his son-in-law it was time to bring Blonsky to justice. The no-holds-barred battle between the Abomination and the Hulk destroyed a town and ravaged the surrounding countryside, finally resulting in the Abomination's being placed in military custody.
As punishment, Blonsky was forced to watch a film loop of himself and his wife prior to his transformation, making his incarceration a constant reminder of what he has lost. When Bruce Banner was on the run from the mysterious underground organization known only as Home Base, he unexpectedly encountered Blonsky's wife Nadia living in an isolated desert home. Nadia offered Banner shelter and the two struck up an intimate friendship.
At the same time, agents of Home Base infiltrated Blonsky's prison and made with him a deadly bargain -- the promise of release and reunion with his wife Nadia in exchange for the defeat and capture of the Hulk. Despite the apparent betrayal of Agent S-3, Blonsky was inadvertently set free and he soon confronted Banner and Nadia.
Nadia then revealed her true purpose for coming to the United States, to find her husband and to wreak her vengeance for the years suffered in a physically abusive marriage to him.
In the confrontation, Banner transformed into the Hulk and the two beasts battled, with Hulk emerging victorious. Abomination eventually ran afoul of the Red Hulk actually a mutated Thunderbolt Ross in Russia who, after savagely beating the Abomination within an inch of his life, subsequently shot him dead in retaliation for his hand in Betty Ross' "death.
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